Friday, August 14, 2015

A mother's love is precious: the final chapter

If you look back at my posts of May 11 (Mother's Day), June 1 (93rd birthday), and August 1 you'll see tales of my time this year with my mother. Today's post is the final chapter in this story. Yesterday, my mother peacefully passed away.

June 1, at her 93rd birthday celebration (with her brother)

You'll see in my previous post that I spent the past two weeks, along with my cousin, caring for my mother in Wales. She had been living at the home of her brother and sister-in-law since her heart attack in July, and received amazing care. Along with the care from her family, she received amazing care from the health professionals in Wales. Having doctors do house visits was something I wasn't familiar with, but in her last two weeks she met doctors and nurses who treated her like she was their only patient. Every day she wondered why she was being treated so special, and what she had done to deserve such wonderful care. Even during times when she was coping with extreme pain, she was a gracious lady.

With her brother and sister-in-law in June

I learned that giving around-the-clock care to someone in their final weeks can be challenging. When asked by the professionals whether I was coping, I told them my secret was to keep telling myself these days would be precious times, and they certainly were. My mum and I had some frank talks about the unknown that lay ahead, as well as some tender and touching moments.

While there, I spoke with many people who knew my mum, all of whom spoke highly of her. I was proud to hear her being described as independent, caring, disciplined, and funny. I saw my mother through other people's eyes, instead of the eyes of her daughter. I certainly was proud of her. One relative said she'd never heard my mother say an unkind word about anyone, or complain, even when she had a right to complain. I wonder how many of us could say the same about ourselves ... not me, that's for sure.

So proud of her "booties" that eased the water retention (Aug 5)

As a family we've shed tears, and we're likely to shed more over the coming days, weeks, and years. A part of me is grateful that she's passed, so that she's now pain-free and can reunite with her husband, son, and sister. That's what she believed, and she was looking forward to it. Her best friend's daughter said that our mothers could now do their walking together again. That made me smile and gave me a warm feeling. My aunt says she can still see my mum dancing with her nephew, which she did as recently as last week. My mother said these weeks at her brother's home were the happiest she'd been in a long while. That was comforting to hear.

Just last week, trying to teach her nephew to dance

Hug the ones you love, for they are precious.


  1. What a lovely story! A short and sweet write up of one independent and gracious lady, by another lady, with a big heart, who cares to share her thoughts with us.

    1. Thanks David. I'm surrounded by considerate people, like you, and it makes life good for me.

  2. I am so sorry for your loss, but so glad you had these past few weeks together... What a great family you have... yes, they are precious.

    1. Yep, I think they're special, but I guess I'm a little biased :)
