Monday, June 1, 2015

The Welsh and the English gather to celebrate!

Being born and raised in Wales, I was used to hearing playful digs about "the English". The Welsh and Scottish have this in common; being raised with a humorous dislike of the English. The history behind this runs deep. However, this past weekend my husband and I, along with my mum, were surprisingly part of a gathering of the Welsh and the English, and only a few playful exchanges about this rivalry occurred.

My husband and I always visit Wales at this time of year to see my mother and celebrate her birthday. On June 2nd she will be 93 years young. So, we also planned our usual visit to my mother's only brother for a family meal. What we didn't know was that our relatives had planned a reunion. As we pulled up to the house, we griped that there were no parking spaces near my uncle's home. Little did we realize those car owners were there to see us!

The birthday girl with her cards and presents