Monday, May 11, 2015

A memorable Mother's Day

As most followers of this blog know, I started this to improve upon last year's emails where I couldn't remember who I'd told what, and likely repeated myself to many people too polite to tell me. Since I started this blog five months ago, it's morphed into far more than just the practical aspect for me. I've learned to share more of my personal thoughts and past experiences with others, some of whom are strangers to me. Given that I consider myself a private person, that has been quite a healthy stretch for me to make.

So, today I'll share my Canadian Mother's Day story with you. I say Canadian as my mother lives in Wales, where they celebrate "Mothering Sunday" earlier in the year. 

While on a bus tour of Snowdonia, North Wales
for my mum's 90th birthday

Each Sunday I phone my 92-year-old mum and we chat for about an hour. Yesterday was no exception, but as I started to speak with her, I realized that she was not well. I then had to reach family members, who quickly took care of her needs. As I suspected, she had had a stroke. As of mid-day today, Monday, she is in the hospital receiving good care and is undergoing various tests. I suppose as strokes go, hers may be classed as a mild one, but when it's someone you love, it's still a stroke and doesn't really lessen the inevitable stress and worry.

Many of you who know of my mother will be aware that Greg and I have been monitoring her health for other reasons. Yesterday certainly caught us by surprise. Thankfully, we were already booked to visit her next week, and I've been assured by both the doctor and my family that there's no need to move up the date. It will be reassuring for us, and her, to see each other in person and spend some quality time together.

Her first selfie ... mum, grandson Kyron,
and his newest son, Oliver (April, 2015)

My mother is a person of faith who prays daily, so if you are also someone who prays, please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you. 


  1. So sorry to hear of your Mom's health problems. Hope all goes well and I'm sure you'll feel much better when you see her next week. Sending good thoughts and prayers her way.
