Monday, September 26, 2016

Reflect and recycle

Photos of flowers in this post were taken over the past week, but don't directly relate to this story. My mother enjoyed flowers though, so I'll link it that way.

Just over a year ago, my 93-year-old mother passed away. I'd say, of the two of us, I was the more stubborn. After getting tired of my nagging, at the age of 90 she relented and bought a pretty, folding walking cane; a stick, as she called it. It wasn't until her final year that she actually used it, but that's a long story.

When she passed, I chose to take very few of her belongings. One thing I did keep, thinking it might bring back some warm memories, was that stick. I thought it might also come in useful, as at times I have issues with my back or hips.

The stick came with me on this journey, and I admit I've had reason to use it here - but only in the house, of course. Let's just say Greg would say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

When having massage therapy here, the therapist suggested buying "walking poles" to give me the added security on days where I was unsure of myself if walking alone. She said they're preferable to a walking stick (I don't think I mentioned mine to her). I noticed walking poles are commonly used here by all ages, whereas I haven't noticed that in Niagara.

So I bought some walking "trekking" poles at an outdoors store. Have I used them yet? You guessed it! Besides, it's not workable to use the poles and hold a dog leash, and she's a priority.

So today I decided it was time to recycle "the stick". I'm getting a little choked up as I write this. I'd thought that stick would bring fond memories of my mum, but instead it just reminds me of the short while in her life when she so appreciated that stick.

I'd prefer to remember her in the many other years where she left me in her dust when we walked. Those were the good old days for me.

I think she would have liked it here in Victoria. So I'll drop off the stick at a charity shop, hoping some elderly lady will get good use out of it. My mother enjoyed checking out charity shops, so I think she would have approved.

1 comment:

  1. I still have my mom's cane... it's not as colorful as yours. Nice remembrance of your mother... lovely photo.
