Thursday, November 26, 2015

It's a one-ship day; let's go to Magen's Bay!

Remember that view of Magen's Bay from a few days ago? Here's a reminder.

Well, reviews tell us you can't come to this island and not experience this bay. Apparently it has been listed by National Geographic as one of the top 10 beaches in the world. I can't find anything to support that, but more than one website made that claim.

In case you're wondering, that's not me laying on the beach!

So, today we went to Magens Bay State Park. It boasts being "one of the world's most beautiful beaches". It didn't claim to be part of any top 10 list though. As well as its one-mile sandy beach, it has an arboretum, a camp ground, coconut groves, mangroves, wetlands, and a hiking trail. However, we were primarily there to snorkel.

This guy was definitely used to tourists being around

Our local tourist magazine showed it as also a snorkelling site, but that's not really true. The water is so clear and the sand so white that it's not an ideal spot for fish. I did swim through schools of tiny fish that seemed to go on forever, and in most places it was shallow enough to stand up. Although we enjoyed the visit, it's a "been there, done that" kind of thing.

Greg scouted out a group of hermit crabs under a vacant lifeguard's chair. There were probably about 15 when we arrived there, but they scattered pretty quickly.

Greg also pointed out this sign below. There weren't any high waves breaking, and I won't comment about the elderly bathers. He's my driver, so I need to be nice to him :)

You can add your own caption for what Greg's thinking there!

As I'm writing this, it's early evening. We've become accustomed to the sounds around us here, but it certainly is noisy with the sounds of nature. We find it really enjoyable. In the early morning, parakeets and parrots fly out of the trees around us, and they're quite noisy too. We love it ... well, the rare times we're up early enough to actually hear it!

We hope everyone enjoyed the American Thanksgiving today. We certainly give thanks for our life and our good health.

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