Thursday, December 25, 2014

I'll be bold ... Merry Christmas!

First, let me report that we sighted another nativity scene yesterday, and I like this one better. Why? ... because it has sheep in it, of course!

On our walks, Greg regularly says "Merry Christmas" to people and, with very few exceptions, people smile and reciprocate. Yesterday when Greg gave his usual greeting, the man commented to me that we must be Canadians. I asked if it was because Greg must have added his usual "eh" in there somewhere. He then explained it was because Americans here (he generalized, not me) use "Happy Holidays". I explained that Greg was happy to walk his faith, and the man smiled.

So, at the risk of being labelled "those bold Canadians",

we wish you, and those who are important to you,
a very Merry Christmas!


  1. Thanks, Bill, and to you and Sharon too. Enjoy your tamales and champagne, you rebels!
