Friday, March 13, 2015

Take a second look!

A section of the Central Arizona Project National Recreation Canal Trail runs directly behind our neighbouring dog park. After this morning's park visit, we walked a portion of the trail.

At first glance, it looks like nothing more than a concrete path, and is in stark contrast to this area's landscaped and well-manicured streets and neighbourhoods. But then I took a closer look and realized that spring was bursting out all over. Let me show you examples of my first look, followed by a closer look.

Nothing much to look at here, at least at first glance. But now look at the following photo, with closeups of the blooms.

And although this is obviously flowering, the flowers look fairly insignificant ... until you get up closer.

And yes, I can see yellow flowers on this tree, but I didn't realize they were so beautiful.

From a distance, the whitish flowers atop this tree didn't look too dramatic either, but then again, when I saw them up close, it was a different story.

After the walk, Greg took Harley to the children's playground area (no children there), to cool them both down with water.

So, as we move towards spring, stop and take a second look. For those in Canada, it may be beautiful icicles or snow scenes, but here it's the colourful blossoms.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post, Francine! Thank you. Do you carry an umbrella with you? There's nowhere to hide from the sun.
