Saturday, January 31, 2015

We must be grateful for the much-needed rain

Right after I wrote the previous post, where I talked about dry creeks, it started raining in Tucson. Yesterday, on our journey from Tucson to Mexico, we noticed a difference in the infrastructure in Arizona compared to where we (usually) live, in Niagara Falls, Canada. Without a structured drainage system, water sometimes isn't diverted off the road surfaces. On the opposite side of the road on one interstate, traffic was blocked because of the creation of a beautiful waterfall cascading off the mountain directly onto the road. Unfortunately, I missed a great photo op as I was too stunned by the sight itself.

The view today from our window in Mexico. Just below the power line is
where the sea meets the sky ... no blue skies or inviting sea for us today!

Yesterday evening, as we settled into this week's home, it started to rain here in Mexico ... and it hasn't stopped. This morning, as I look out at this very soggy landscape, I'm reminded of another rainy-day photo involving Mexico.

Last year, good friends of ours moved from Niagara Falls to Mexico (east of Ensenada), to work with LiveDifferent. Follow the link and check out the video on their site and you'll see it starts with sheep herding ... how cool is that? We asked Sharon and Steve to support our sheep initiative by taking triplets down to Mexico to share with children in need. Here's the photo they sent back, as they travelled in the rain on their journey down to Mexico. Thanks, Steve and Sharon, for the selfless good work you do for those in need, both in Mexico and Honduras (with HHCF).

The weather forecast for the remainder of our week calls for warm sunny weather. Perhaps I'll have more of this area to show you in later posts. Until then, stay dry my friends!


  1. Hi G&F. I was finally able to check out your blog again. Wow! I love how you are living. Great experiences and photos. You are definitely the professional travelers and it looks like you are loving it!

  2. Yes, we are really enjoying ourselves. As well as experiencing new places, we're also getting to know lots of really nice people. Life is good!
