Friday, February 20, 2015

A day for reflection

Sorry, but no tidbits of travel news today. I will add in a photo taken in the neighbourhood today, when we walked with "our" poodle, Fanci.

Greg and I have been saddened over the past week by news we've received about those touched by cancer. Earlier this week, a close friend of ours lost his brother to cancer at the age of 60. Today we lost a friend of mine who has been a part of my family since we were teens. In our 20s, we lived together for about three years in Canada, and have remained friends ever since. She died at the age of 61, also to cancer. To those who have concerns about having a colonoscopy, all I can say is that you should have more concerns about not having one.

The weather has been overcast for most of the day today; a little like my mood. Greg and I have been complaining about our aches and pains lately, but we really have nothing to complain about. We have good friends, we live a good life, and we're having wonderful experiences on this journey. We need to remind ourselves to live life to the fullest; it is so precious.

Francine, Edna, Julie (California, 2008)

Butch (no photo), and Julie (on the right, above); may you now rest in peace.


  1. I am so sorry for your loss.... it's so sad to lose such dear friends. You can rest assured we believe in preventative medicine... just last week was mammogram and colonscopy time for us... with cataract surgery and hearing aids we should be around to harass you for a long time ;-)

  2. Thanks for sharing your information here. These tests are vital, and also free in Canada and Britain. We look forward to sharing a glass (or two) of wine with you for many years to come!
