Sunday, February 8, 2015

The adventure continues ...

So far on this journey, we have:
  • been away 2 months
  • travelled 5455 miles (8728 kms)
  • visited 12 U.S. states, as well as Mexico
  • spent 29 nights at housesits to date
  • done 3 house and pet sits (counting the current one)
  • 2 more booked in Phoenix
... and have seen more cactus than we could possibly count!

Here's the front entrance of our current home. Check out the height of these cactus! So, was the house built around the cactus? That's our question! Up close you can see lots of holes where birds have nested. I plan to keep an eye on those, to see if any birds still live there.

With this homeowner's approval, and armed with a requested "honeydew" list, Greg has being doing some jobs around this home. Here he is today, in the photo below, working away. The job included a quick trip to Home Depot ... it's an easy way to keep my man happy!

Oh, and I forgot the most important point for the list. Greg and I have rarely been apart for 63 days now, and it's been great.

We watched a movie a few days ago and at the end the man said to the woman, "Do you love me?", and when she answered "yes", his reply was "Then I have everything I need." Greg's borrowed those lines and is using them for what he calls his "suave repertoire". What a man!


  1. I just want to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. So.... you've lasted 63 days of 24/7 eh? Not bad.... I'd go for a few more before I called it quits ;-) Really, though.... with a guy who tell you that you're everything... maybe even a few more after that.
