Thursday, February 19, 2015

The joy of spring colours

Tomorrow is the first day of spring. Our first stay in Peoria was mid-December, almost nine weeks ago. When we returned here two days ago, the change in the colour of the landscape was noticeable, as even the desert scrub looked so much greener.

The past two days I've marvelled at the beautiful colours, as so many shrubs and trees are in bloom. Today we drove in the Glendale area and the landscaping of the streets was amazing, with so many beautiful blooms of every colour. This city certainly reflects its civic pride. Sorry, no photos of that area though today.

This is in our neighbourhood. The blooms are hard to see in the photo, but they were beautiful

So, here are some photos I've captured over the past two days. Don't ask me to identify the plants; it's similar to naming birds for me ... the yellow tree, the red flower ...

This morning I had the pleasure of seeing this sunrise. Nature is amazing.

I'll end with this blast of shades of orange, and someone will hopefully tell me the name of the tree!

The joys of spring ... and it's only just begun!